A proven name in wastewater removal and environmental services, P&H Senesac leads in the removal and cleaning of sludge and waste; we offer standard-setting and advanced dewatering services for clients across the country. Our client list encompasses municipal and industrial entities, and services encompass anything from lagoon mitigation to solid waste separation.
What makes us the wastewater treatment vendor of choice is our state-of-the art, computerized system—which allows for complete dewatering services with minimal lead time. Our technology also enables full compliance with all current environmental standards. Allow us to provide you with the equipment you need to have complete control over your project and facilities—and the staff training required to make it easy and efficient.
Why Choose P&H Senesac
When our company was started, centrifuge dewatering technology was largely unproven, and mobile applications were all but unheard of. All that has changed now, and it is thanks to P&H Senesac’s pioneering work in the field. The bottom line: We take an advanced approach to dewatering, one that leans heavily on our decades of experience and makes savvy implementation of leading technologies. Our organization allows for rapid-response deployment, as well—meaning we can provide the resources you need, when you need them, no matter the scope of your project.
Case Studies
Our team has proudly worked alongside engineers, municipalities, and construction clients from across the nation, including many in our home state of Vermont. We have the data to prove our efficiency and invite you to scan our available case studies at your leisure.
To learn more about our technology, our expertise, or simply what we can do for you, please contact P&H Senesac today.